Cloud Native Microservices

The use of microservices provides the necessary abstraction and dynamic scalability across the software implementation. We are happy to advise you on how to expose your microservices for internal and external use.

Cloud Native Microservices

Why Microservices?

When moving your applications to a cloud native environment, moving to a microservice architecture can be an important choice. It is the foundation for continuous delivery as each application resides on their own infrastructure along with the environment it needs to run.

Zero downtime, simplified troubleshooting and safe, but rapid changes are some of the many benefits that come with a microservice architecture. 

Maximize Deployment

Maximize your deployment velocity and reduce your time to market significantly. Use the benefits of microservices to increase flexibility and reliability.

Adapt faster

Market conditions can change rapidly these days due to technological disruptions. Microservices allow you to update existing applications or add new ones faster to stay on-trend.

Reduce costs

Infrastructure costs can grow significantly due to the way your current architecture operates. Microservices allow faster updates, flexible changes and reduced running costs accordingly.

Easier Troubleshooting

Microservices allow you to isolate certain parts of your applications, making it easier to identify and resolve bugs, without affecting all other aspects of your applications.

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From decomposition to deployment

A microservices architecture offers some unique benefits over traditional architectures. That is great. But the only question often is: 'How do we get started on this?'

It sure can seem like a daunting task to adapt existing application architectures to a more future-proofed microservices architecture. But it does not have to be that way. At Cloudway, our aim is to help you on your journey so you can feel the real business value of cloud native microservices fast.


By understanding what the core business capabilities of your application are, we identify the domains and services of your app that can be broken down into different components, allowing more flexibility and scalability in the future.

Design Individual Services
What will be the individual services of your application? What will be exposed to customers and what not? What communication protocols will be used? These are all important questions we help you answer before moving forward with your project.

Having an internal open source model can have a lot of benefits for your internal development team, and therefore the quality of your application. At Cloudway, we help you set up the proper technical documentation and setup instructions to it's easy for everyone to work on the service.

Build & Deploy

When building and deploying, it is important that new changes don't break your API. Correctly defining the limits of a single service, can improve automated testing which helps to increase the reliability of the code and provides a more confident deployment step.


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Microservices are an architectural style that uses loosely coupled, indepedent and domain-driven services that are small and ready for incremental change. This architectural style provides an alternative to the classic monolithic style of software development.

Microservices allow for independent deployment and scaling of smaller parts of your application, while leveraging common infrastructure (e.g. Kubernetes). They also allow for focused development teams who can take ownership over a smaller part of the entire application.

The size of a microservice, is very dependent of the context of your business. Some use a domain-driven approach, identifying functional aspects of the entire appliation. Another way is to identify the bounded context within the company. Or as a last example, you can leverage the structure of the current development teams of the business.

In theory, each microservice should be master of its own data, within its own infrastructure. In practice, it is more important to ensure that each data has its own responisble microservice. This includes picking a fit-for-purpose data storage type for each microservice.

Microservices classically leverage common infrastructure, however, instead of using specific orchestration software (such as Kubernetes) you can also orchestrate the services (and corresponding data storage solutions) using the serverless services of a public cloud provider (bringing with it, all the benefits of serverless). We would call these microservices, serverless microservices